Monday, March 17, 2008

Danish Crumbs and cheese

Danish Crumbs and Cheese (edit/delete)

Blend together

2 c flour

1 c brown sugar

1 c nuts

1 c margerine

Sprinkle in pan. Bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Take out half of the crumbs to use on top.


1 large package cream cheese


1 c powdered sugar

carefully fold in

1 large package lucky whip (whipped)

Pour over crumbs. Sprinkle remaining crumbs on top of mixture and refrigerate.


1 package Danish Dessert according to the directions ( strawberry or raspberry)


1 package frozen strawberries or raspberries


Cut cream cheese mixture and top with Danish Dessert mixture.

Easter time with Emily

Easter with the little PEEP